Jacob Meets Esau Again: Being A Person of Integrity | Aleph Beta

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Becoming A Person Of Integrity

Jacob And Esau Meet Again

Our Sages seems to imply that Jacob was punished for taking his brother Esau’s blessings. Yet those very Sages refer to Jacob as a “man of truth,” one of our patriarchs, a righteous man. How are we meant to resolve these seemingly conflicting reports?

In this video, Rabbi Fohrman notices a series of curious parallels between Jacob’s first encounter with Rachel at the well, and when he meets with his brother Esau. By comparing these two stories, Rabbi Fohrman uncovers an inspiring narrative about Jacob’s own growth and transformation that offers us a deep understanding into how Jacob regained his personal integrity to be called a “man of truth.”

Dive deeper – Jacob: Man Of Truth?

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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