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Fire and Brimstone... Again?

The Surprising Relationship Between Blessing And Curses In The Bible

In Parshat Nitzavim, the Torah describes a certain kind of sinner who seems to think that God just won't punish him. This sinner, we're told, most certainly will be punished – and in a pretty surprising way. The Torah tells us that his fate will mirror the fate of Sodom: fire, brimstone, the whole shebang.

But why would this person's arrogant attitude warrant this particular reaction? Is there something about this sinner that's somehow connected to Sodom?

As a matter of fact, the answer might just be "yes." There are other, subtle clues in Parshat Nitzavim that seem to be pointing us back to the story of Sodom – and to one specific part of it, in particular: Abraham's plea on the city's behalf. And when we start to examine these clues, we might just learn something critical about what it really means to be a part of God's nation.

Click here for: What Is Israel’s Purpose In The World?

Click here to read Daniel's blog: Making Sense of Mysterious Verses: A Case Study

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