Thinking about Time & Space | Aleph Beta

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Einstein & Torah at Aleph Beta

Thinking about Time & Space

This month’s Producer’s Circle audio is unlike any other we’ve sent out in the past! This month Rabbi Fohrman has created for you a learning path. He took an idea that he’s been recently studying (Einstein & the Torah), and brought in different pieces — some fresh, some already existing on the website — and brought it all together, as a way of demonstrating how different materials build on and develop from one another, creating a magnificent web of learning. It’s almost as if Rabbi Fohrman is taking you on a tour of Aleph Beta himself, but with a twist!

For the full lectures Rabbi Fohrman excerpts in his path, please click the following links -

1. Shiny New Things Time on October 4th (click on video 10) 

2. Grappling With Loss

3. A Brief History of The World: Lecture #1

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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