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Why Do The Events In Joseph’s Life Keep Repeating?
Parshat Vayeishev tells us a story about Joseph. There’s this drama between him and the other members of his household. It all comes to a climax when Joseph is stripped of his clothes – and his coat is brought to the head of the house and presented as false evidence. Oh, and Joseph is thrown into a bor, a pit. What story are we describing?
Easy, right? It’s the sale of Joseph… right? When the sons of Jacob gang up on poor Joseph and sell him into slavery. Wrong. It’s the replay of the sale of Joseph story. Oh, you didn’t know that there was a replay? Actually, there are three. And they’re all in Parshat Vayeishev.
What are these mysterious three stories? And what does it all mean? Why does this pivotal event from Joseph’s life keep replaying? Why is Joseph living in a Groundhog’s Day universe?
Watch more: "The ‘Scandalous’ Backstory of Boaz and Ruth."
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