Bar And Bat Mitzvah Preparation
A Bar or Bat Mitzvah isn't just a glorified birthday party, or a course in Public Speaking 101. It’s meant to be a stepping stone that catapults young people into a life of inspired Jewish living and learning. This course, designed for parents and children to take together, addresses some of the biggest, most relevant questions for entering the Bar and Bat Mitzvah stage. Questions that will continue to be meaningful and relevant for years to come.
Premium Guides
Don't have time to watch parsha videos before Shabbat? Want something to print out and share with friends and family, or to curl up with on the couch? These study guides give you a comprehensive overview of the ideas explored in our parsha videos. They're interactive, filled with guided questions and exercises that give you the chance to study the verses on your own and arrive at your own interpretations. Perfect for self or group-study.
Deep Dives - Inside the Mind of Aleph Beta
Most people know Aleph Beta for our carefully curated 10-15 minute videos. But what people don’t know is that these are highly condensed versions of material culled from hours of research. In other words, the videos are just a “snack” taken from a large and rich “feast” that we’ve prepared. This deep dive content invites you to the feast.
These courses will allow you to see the fuller picture, and the layers upon layers of ideas and content that stands behind our videos. What’s more, many of these courses represent “master courses” in the foundations of Rabbi Fohrman’s thought and methodology, that then thread their way through many other Aleph Beta courses. Here you get an inside look, and you get to be led on a journey of rigorous learning and discovery.