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JANUARY 16, 2024 - Bo: What Did the Egyptians Get Out of the Exodus?

Bo: What Did The Egyptians Get Out Of The Exodus?

Parshat Bo tells the story of the last three plagues. The 10th plague, the death of the firstborn, ultimately compels Pharaoh and the Egyptians to free the Israelites from slavery, but was that really the purpose of the plagues? Were they just meant to punish the Egyptians? Or were the Egyptians meant to get something else out of these destructive plagues? 

Join Tikva Hecht and Beth Lesch as they challenge a classic answer to these questions on the 10 plagues and develop a new understanding of what it means to “know God.”

Check out Rabbi Fohrman’s course “Why Did God Choose Israel As His Chosen People?” to explore these questions further. 

To access the brand new season of Rabbi Fohrman’s podcast, A Book Like No Other, click here to subscribe to Aleph Beta. As a special gift for Into the Verse listeners, we’ll give you the first month FREE, when you sign up for an annual subscription. Just use the coupon code ITVFREE. Already a member? Enjoy A Book Like No Other here.

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