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How Can I Become Closer To God Spiritually? (Part 1 of 4)

How Do I Get Closer To God?

How can I attain closeness with a God who is so beyond my comprehension? Why would the Creator of the Universe care about my prayers? Is God even listening? Especially on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we deal with this seeming contradiction: is God our King, or our parent?

One barrier we face in approaching prayer is the feeling that God is so holy that there are no grounds for connection between us. How could limited, flawed human beings possibly reach the infinite Creator through our prayers? The question becomes even more poignant when our prayers are dealing with our very human, messy life circumstances. How can we relate these experiences to God?

The Biblical model for answering these questions is Hannah, mother of the prophet Samuel. Not only does God answer Hannah’s prayer for a son, but the Talmud looks to her as the paradigm for prayer.

Rabbi Fohrman suggests that we may find guidance from Hannah’s Prayer. This video course, created for the High Holidays, takes a deep dive into Hannah’s prayer in the book of Samuel and explores the concepts of holiness, closeness with God, and the real possibility of prayer.

You’ll soon discover that God’s loftiness is just the thing that makes a relationship with Him all the more attainable, and you’ll never doubt the power of prayer again. Take a look.

Discover other great videos for the High Holidays at Aleph Beta, including ‘How To Do Teshuva”, “What Is The Meaning and Purpose of Yom Kippur”. and “Finding Forgiveness In God's Attributes”.

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