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The Hidden Story Of Brothers, Borders, And Moses’ Burial

The Hidden Story Of Brothers, Borders, And Moses’ Burial

Parshat Matot contains a conversation between Moses and the tribes of Reuven and Gad. These tribes tell Moses something surprising: that they don't actually want to settle in the land of Israel. Instead, they want to settle in the land just to the east of the Jordan River. Moses is understandably upset and a long back and forth ensues.

On the surface, it seems like this is a negotiation about land, priorities, and loyalties. But when we dig deeper, there is so much more at play here. The conversation that Moses is having with these tribes is rich with references and allusions to a much earlier episode in the nation's history, another story of brotherly betrayal.

And not only does this conversation reach back into the past, it stretches forward into the future — because the lands under discussion are going to have surprising and important implications for Moses' own fate – the place of Moses' burial site. There may indeed be a redemptive wrinkle for Moses that emerges from this difficult confrontation with these two tribes.

Join Ami and Daniel in conversation in this Parsha Lab podcast to get the full picture.

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