Genesis Unveiled | Aleph Beta

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The Lullaby Effect (Part 1 of 76)

Genesis Unveiled

The stories of Genesis are familiar to us, but their meaning often seems maddeningly elusive. Why would Hashem want to deny humanity knowledge of good and evil? Aren't we better off being able to distinguish right from wrong? What are we to make of a talking snake? And why would Hashem find the building of a tower in the Land of Babel so problematic?

In this course, Rabbi Fohrman takes students on a journey of discovery into the text and Midrashei Chazal - revealing layers of meaning that are both startling and profound. Rather than seeing the early topics in Bereishis as a disjointed series of stories, Rabbi Fohrman shows how they all weave together to form a larger, majestic whole.

This course will explore the first unit of this course. If you enjoy it, you are invited to further explore Genesis Unveiled and the other exciting courses at Aleph Beta Academy.

For a more in depth version of Genesis Unveiled, we recommend listening to A Brief History Of The World: From Adam To Abraham, the first of four sets of lecture series that span the entire book of Genesis! Be sure to listen to it all! The remaining sets of lecture series are: Abraham's Journey 1, Abraham's Journey 2, and Jacob: Man of Truth?

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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