Meaningful Judaism

Trailer: What is 'Meaningful Judaism'?
Meaningful Judaism is a podcast dedicated to exploring why we do what we do in Jewish life, by diving deep into the Torah text. So many of our practices can feel like they’re just there; we go through the motions, but they don’t feel especially meaningful. In this podcast, we search for that meaning. Each episode will take you on a journey, tackling questions such as “Why can’t we mix milk and meat?” and “What’s the meaning behind the laws of niddah?” Join our host, Imu Shalev, along with Rabbi David Fohrman and Aleph Beta’s other wonderful scholars, for this special journey.
7 min

1. What’s Meaningful About Keeping Kosher?
What’s meaningful about keeping kosher? In this premiere episode of Meaningful Judaism, a brand-new podcast from Aleph Beta Labs, Imu Shalev and Beth Lesch tackle the topic of kashrut, or keeping kosher, beginning by raising a fundamental question that you might not have thought to ask: Does the Torah want us to eat meat?
54 min

2. What’s Meaningful About Not Mixing Milk and Meat? (Kashrut Part 2)
What’s meaningful about not mixing milk and meat? Observant Jews who follow the Torah know that cheeseburgers are forbidden… but do you ever stop to ask why? What’s the problem with adding a slice of cheese to your hamburger? Why is it so important to God that we abstain? Is it some kind of test, that God wants us to not eating certain yummy things to prove that we’re committed to the Torah? Is it that God wants to make it extra complicated to keep kosher, so Jews will be more likely to socialize only with others who also keep the Torah? Is it a law that has no reason at all? Is it none of the above?
54 min

3. What's Meaningful About Niddah? (Part 1)
What is the meaning of the ‘niddah’ law? Why does the Torah require husbands and wives to separate when the wife has her period? The laws in Vayikra describe the “whats” of niddah but not the “why.” Why would God want to keep husbands and wives apart from one another? And what does menstruation have to do with it?
50 min

4. What's Meaningful About Niddah? (Part 2)
What is the meaning of the ‘niddah’ law? Why does the Torah require husbands and wives to separate when the wife has her period? The laws in Vayikra describe the “whats” of niddah but not the “why.” Why would God want to keep husbands and wives apart from one another? And what does menstruation have to do with it?
42 min

5. What’s Meaningful About Keeping Shabbat?
What’s meaningful about keeping Shabbat? Lots of things, right? It’s a day of rest, a chance to put down our phones, learn and pray, focus on our family and friends. But Shabbat has its challenging aspects too. Sometimes the restrictions of Shabbat weigh on us and make it hard for us to appreciate how meaningful it is. So how do we hold on to a sense of the beauty of this day?
50 min

6. [Animated Podcast Episode] What's Meaningful About Keeping Shabbat?
What’s meaningful about keeping Shabbat? Lots of things, right? It’s a day of rest, a chance to put down our phones, learn and pray, focus on our family and friends. But Shabbat has its challenging aspects too. Sometimes the restrictions of Shabbat weigh on us and make it hard for us to appreciate how meaningful it is. So how do we hold on to a sense of the beauty of this day? Click here watch the animated version of this podcast episode.
0 min

7. What’s Meaningful About Tzitzit? (Part 1)
(Part 1 of 2) Are tzitzit supposed to “mean” something? Most people who wear tzitzit probably don't find it especially objectionable or burdensome, but how many people can honestly say that wearing tzitzit is a deeply meaningful spiritual practice? That it helps them to be a better Jew, a better person, to feel closer to God? Probably not so many. For everyone else, tzitzit is, at best, a testament to one's commitment to following the Torah but without any unique meaning or character, and at worst, a ritual, performed by rote, simply because everyone else seems to be doing it, devoid of any meaning at all.
37 min

8. What’s Meaningful About Tzitzit? (Part 2)
(Part 2 of 2) Are tzitzit supposed to “mean” something? Most people who wear tzitzit probably don't find it especially objectionable or burdensome, but how many people can honestly say that wearing tzitzit is a deeply meaningful spiritual practice? That it helps them to be a better Jew, a better person, to feel closer to God? Probably not so many. For everyone else, tzitzit is, at best, a testament to one's commitment to following the Torah but without any unique meaning or character, and at worst, a ritual, performed by rote, simply because everyone else seems to be doing it, devoid of any meaning at all.
28 min

9. Questioning Whether This Podcast Should Exist
Yep, you read the episode title right. Should this podcast even exist?? We here at Meaningful Judaism put our hearts into creating quality podcasts that probe the meanings behind the mitzvot… but what if this whole premise is misguided? What if there’s a fundamental flaw? Does God really want us to be demanding reasons for the mitzvot? If we were really pious, maybe we would be satisfied keeping the mitzvot simply “because the Torah says so”?? And if we’re trying to figure out the “real” reasons for the mitzvot… well, what if we get it wrong? How can we be so conceited as to think we can know God’s mind?
39 min

10. What’s Meaningful About Not Eating Bacon?
It’s one of the most famous of the Torah's laws: no eating bacon! But is there any particular reason for this restriction? Why does God permit us to eat cow but forbid pig?
1 hr

11. What Else Is Meaningful About Tzitzit and Kashrut? (Season Finale)
Season 1 of Meaningful Judaism is ending, but before we go, we just have to share some extra Torah that didn’t make it into earlier episodes. There’s the beautiful idea about angels that got cut from our episode on tzitzit – but we’ve found some amazing new evidence, so we’re bringing it back!
38 min
A Book Like No Other // Season One
It began with mustering the courage to ask those “elephant in the room” questions and developed into a masterful theory, one that makes us re-examine what we know or think we know about the earliest of Bible stories. In this season of A Book Like No Other, join Rabbi David Fohrman, Founder and Lead Scholar of Aleph Beta, and host, Imu Shalev, CEO at Aleph Beta, as they dive into the Garden of Eden and end up taking us on an epic adventure, criss-crossing Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Joshua.

Trailer: A Book Like No Other
Join Rabbi Fohrman for an epic journey into reading the Torah on its own terms.
2 min

1. The Elephant in the… Garden
We all know the story of the Garden of Eden. Adam, Eve, forbidden fruit, snake. But what if there’s another layer to this story lying beneath all the obvious drama? In the first episode of this six part series, Rabbi Fohrman takes a close look at the Garden of Eden story, pointing out some glaring – but easily glossed over – anomalies in the text, and inspiring us to reconsider what we thought we knew about Eden’s most basic features.
25 min

2. The Paradigm Shift
Last episode left us scratching our heads over those two strange trees in the Garden, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. In this episode, Rabbi Fohrman begins answering our questions on the beginning of the Torah through the help of a clue found all the way at the Torah’s very end – and in the process, develops a single, paradigm shifting theory that re-envisions the very layout of the Garden itself.
50 min

3. Confronting the Theory Killer - Part 1
Last episode, Rabbi Fohrman introduced a provocative new theory that re-envisioned the Garden of Eden, and began resolving all the puzzles raised in Episode One. But this theory has a fatal flaw – it seems to flatly contradict one verse, Genesis 3:22. Can Rabbi Fohrman reconcile the evidence or are we back to square one?
54 min

4. BONUS Epilogue to Episode 3 - Part 2
Who wouldn’t want to eat from the Tree of Life and live eternally? Join Rabbi Fohrman and host, Imu Shalev, in this bonus episode as they explore the deep and meaningful implications of Rabbi Fohrman’s theory and consider what the tree — and Torah — might offer that's even better than eternal life.
18 min

5. Beyond the Garden Walls
Last episode, Rabbi Fohrman promised that the Tree of Life isn’t left behind in Eden, never to be seen again once we’re exiled from the Garden. The tree actually returns! In this episode, we find out where and when – and begin to see how the tree’s return impacts the larger narrative of the entire Torah.
52 min

6. The Second Half of the Story
In this episode, Rabbi Fohrman reveals where we find the second half of the return of the Tree and, in the process, offers a powerful message about the impact of our actions in this world.
45 min

7. How to Grow a Garden
In the sixth and final episode of this series, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu grapple with some of the big picture questions that emerge from their theory of the Tree and its connection to Torah – and consider what the Tree may ultimately be teaching us about how to connect to God’s words.
46 min

8. Epilogue: What the Tree of Life Teaches Us About Returning from Exile
The exile from Eden might have been the first time humanity experienced being estranged from God’s word and presence, but it certainly wasn’t the last. How do we cope with feeling distant from God? What is a roadmap for a return to the closeness of Eden? Join Rabbi Fohrman and Imu in this bonus epilogue episode as they explore Parshat HaTeshuva, the Torah’s emotional roadmap for how any of us can come back.
1 hr & 2 min
A Book Like No Other // Season Two
Are we allowed to be angry at God? In this new season of A Book Like No Other, Rabbi Fohrman explores the haunting tale of the mekallel, the man who cursed God, a dark and little-known story buried deep of all places in the middle of Leviticus.

1. The Blasphemer: Why Would Someone Curse God?
Rabbi David Fohrman and Imu Shalev study the tale of the blasphemer, a dark and puzzling episode buried deep in Leviticus. The details of this story are scarce: an anonymous man provokes a fight in the Israelite camp, curses God, and ultimately is stoned to death as punishment.
48 min

2. Moses and the Mekallel: A Tale of Two Outcasts
Rabbi Fohrman and Imu continue to search for justice in the mekallel’s harsh punishment. Does the answer lie in the strange connection they found last episode between the mekallel and Moses? To find out, they dive into Moses' coming-of-age story in Exodus, and discover an even deeper bond between these two men who on the surface couldn’t be more different.
30 min

3. The Philosophy of Blasphemy and Micah’s Idol in the Book of Judges
In this episode, Rabbi Forhman and Imu finally discuss two long-awaited topics. Firstly, what really is so wrong about blasphemy? After all, blasphemy is just words. How can words hurt God? And secondly, the much-promised epilogue to the story of the Mekallel, buried in the book of Shoftim (Judges). And as it turns out, the epilogue deals with the exact same theological issue: the human instinct to control God.
57 min

4. The Mekallel’s Return to Eden
Is there any redemption for the mekallel? In this episode, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu head back to Leviticus to explore a fascinating connection between the mekallel, the utopian laws of the Jubilee year, and the Torah’s original utopia, Eden. This new thread of evidence shines a more uplifting light on our dark text – while unlocking unexpected insight into how we as a society may be able to offer disenfranchised individuals, like the mekallel, a more genuine and meaningful sense of belonging.
37 min

5. What About Moses?
In the concluding episode of the season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu delve deep into the perplexing issue of Moshe's legacy. In a thought-provoking discussion, they explore the paradox of Moshe – how could a leader uniquely equipped to empathize with those of mixed heritage, have no compassion for the Mekallel, a man who shared his challenging beginnings?
44 min
A Book Like No Other // Season Three
Megillat Esther is the last book of the canonical Bible, a bridge between a wondrous time of open miracles and the lonelier, more uncertain experience of Jewish life in exile. We’re usually taught that the key takeaway of the Megillah is that even though God’s name is never mentioned, we can still see Him working behind the scenes to save the Jews–just as we can today, if we look carefully. But Megillat Esther has so much more to teach us: about the fundamentals of morality, about the nature of good and evil, even about how to be a better spouse. And to do that, the text takes us back to where it all began: the Garden of Eden. Join Rabbi Fohrman as he unlocks the secrets of this incredibly rich Biblical finale.

2. Finding Haman’s Character in the Garden of Eden
Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore parallels between Megillat Esther and the Garden of Eden, beginning from the hint in the Midrash that links Haman to the Tree of Knowledge.
50 min

3. Haman’s Godly Ambitions
Rabbi Fohrman and Imu discover that it’s not only Haman who has a counterpart in Eden. There’s a whole list of characters from Megillat Esther who are playing out a version of the Tree of Knowledge story.
33 min

4. A Competing Cast of Characters in the Megillah
Rabbi Fohrman shares a dizzying discovery: a competing Tree of Knowledge story in the Megillah. But instead of replacing the first cast of characters, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu analyze how this discovery adds another layer of meaning embedded in the Megillah.
48 min

5. Esther as the Redeemer of the Garden of Eden
In this final episode of the season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore how Esther's narrative offers a redeemed perspective on Adam and Eve's story.
58 min
A Book Like No Other // Season Four
At the heart of Judaism's chosenness lies an unexpected twist that few have noticed. Rabbi Fohrman stumbles upon a shocking connection between two of the Bible's most pivotal moments - one that completely transforms our understanding of what it means to be chosen. This discovery not only challenges centuries of religious interpretation but might just change how you see your own relationship with God.

1. Reexamining Revelation: The Challenge of Chosenness
At the heart of Judaism's chosenness lies an unexpected twist that few have noticed. Rabbi Fohrman stumbles upon a shocking connection between two of the Bible's most pivotal moments - one that completely transforms our understanding of what it means to be chosen.
25 min

2. Rethinking Chosenness: From Favoritism to Universal Blessing
What if one of the Torah's most troubling stories - Jacob deceiving his father to get a blessing - is actually the key to understanding why God chose the Jewish people? In this episode, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu make a surprising discovery: the story of Mount Sinai mirrors Jacob's deception in unexpected ways.
37 min

3. Reading Revelation Through the Lens of Genesis
What if the Torah provides its own commentary on its most pivotal moments? In this episode, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu continue uncovering a striking web of connections between Jacob’s deception in Genesis 27 and the Revelation at Sinai in Exodus 19.
1 hr & 25 min

4. Divine Love and the Ten Commandments
Picking up from last week's cliffhanger, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu tackle an uncomfortable and paradoxical question: How can a perfect being—God—choose vulnerability? This unsettling concept seems to be at the heart of the parallels they uncover between Genesis 27 and the Revelation narrative.
58 min

Rest & Honor: Finding Sacred Balance Through Genesis
Continuing their analysis of the Ten Commandments through Genesis 27, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu focus on two pivotal commands: Shabbat and honoring one's parents. They begin by uncovering surprising connections between Rebecca's plea for Jacob's safety and the concept of divine rest.
1 hr & 16 min

Esav's Restraint and Laban's Transgression: The Surprising Truth About Murder and Adultery
Continuing their journey through the Ten Commandments, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu examine murder and adultery through the lens of the Genesis Deception story.
49 min

Theft, Testimony, and Broken Trust: Unpacking the 8th and 9th Commandments
What drives someone to steal? And why does the Bible warn so strongly against false testimony? In this episode, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu Shalev examine how the story of Jacob, Rachel, and Lavan provides surprising insight into the psychology behind the 8th and 9th commandments.
49 min

Overcoming Envy: Jacob and Esav's Reconciliation
In the season finale, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore the final commandment—“Thou shalt not covet”—through the emotional reunion of Jacob and Esau.
58 min
A Book Like No Other // Behind the Scenes of Season Two
Listen to the original chevruta conversations that inspired A Book Like No Other season two.

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Moshe and the Mekallel (Part 1)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other.
1 hr & 7 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Moshe and the Mekallel (Part 2)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part two of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other.
1 hr & 31 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Moshe and the Mekallel (Part 3)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part three of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other.
40 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Moshe and the Mekallel (Part 4)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part four of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other.
54 min

Epilogue Conversation to A Book Like No Other (Part 1)
During post-production for Season 2, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu discovered a new set of parallels, linking the story of the Mekallel to another episode in the Torah. We’re pleased to share this first look at the research with you.
16 min

Epilogue Conversation to A Book Like No Other (Part 2)
Part 2 of 2. During post-production for Season 2, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu discovered a new set of parallels, linking the story of the Mekallel to another episode in the Torah. We’re pleased to share this first look at the research with you.
42 min
A Book Like No Other // Behind the Scenes of Season Three
Listen to the original chevruta conversations that inspired A Book Like No Other season three.

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 1)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
37 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 2)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
42 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 3)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
1 hr & 3 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 4)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
1 hr & 1 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 5)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
57 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 6)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
1 hr & 20 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 7)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
23 min

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content: Megillat Esther: Love, Power and Playing God (Part 8)
Go Behind the scenes and listen to part one of the original chevruta sessions that inspired our flagship podcast, A Book Like No Other. This season, Rabbi Fohrman and Imu explore Megillat Esther.
48 min
Into The Verse // Season 1 - First Parsha Cycle
Into the Verse is dedicated to bringing you Torah that is timely and relevant to your life. Using the weekly parsha and the Jewish calendar as inspiration, this podcast is filled with rich and uplifting insights based on analysis of the Hebrew text itself. Take a listen and enjoy!

1. The Three Lies of the Exodus, Part 1
(Part 1 of 2) At the burning bush, God told Moses to show the people of Israel three signs, so they would believe that God was in fact with them. Was there any significance to these three signs, or did God randomly select them? And were the signs even effective?
41 min

2. The Three Lies of the Exodus, Part 2
(Part 2 of 2) At the burning bush, God told Moses to show the people of Israel three signs, so they would believe that God was in fact with them. Was there any significance to these three signs, or did God randomly select them? And were the signs even effective?
57 min

3. Miriam’s Song at the Sea
The splitting of the Reed Sea was so miraculous that the Jewish people celebrated by singing a Song to God. And yet, immediately after the nation sings, Miriam then sings...another song? Why would Miriam do that?
22 min

4. What’s So Meaningful About Counting the Omer?
Of all God's commandments, counting the "omer," the days between Passover and Shavuot, seems kind of... well, like a trip back to kindergarten. Does God really think that if we don't count the days leading up to Shavuot, we would simply forget about it? And if that's the case, then why not have countdowns, or count-ups, before every major holiday?
1 hr

5. Kedoshim: Social Justice... and Sacrifices?
How can we make sense of the laws in Parshat Kedoshim? They seem to deal with such a mix of unrelated topics. Some of them are obviously about moral behavior: Don’t steal, don’t deceive people, leave some of the grain in your field for the poor.
18 min

6. Emor: Why Does Creativity Need Boundaries?
Parshat Emor includes a familiar passage known as the parshat hamo’adim – the section of the Torah that describes all of the Biblical holidays. But there are two major interruptions in this passage, two things that just don't seem to belong.
17 min

7. Lag Ba’Omer: Who Was Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Lag BaOmer: It’s a day for celebrations… parties, music, bonfires, barbecues. What exactly are we celebrating, though?
18 min

8. Part 1 Why Isn't Our Version of Shavuot in the Torah?
(Part 1 of 2) If you were asked what we remember on Shavuot, what would you say? The giving of the Torah, right?
35 min

9. Part 2 Why Isn't Our Version of Shavuot in the Torah?
(Part 2 of 2) If you were asked what we remember on Shavuot, what would you say? The giving of the Torah, right? But the Biblical commandment to celebrate Shavuot doesn’t even mention receiving the Torah!
42 min

10. Naso: What Are the Laws of Sotah Really About?
Parshat Naso speaks of the sotah – the "wayward woman" – who has been accused of committing adultery.
27 min

11. Beha’alotcha: What started the Israelites’ downward spiral?
In Parshat Beha’alotcha, we see the beginning of the dramatic downfall of the generation of the exodus. This dive leads, eventually, to 40 years of wandering in the desert and death to the entire generation. What happened?
24 min

12. Shelach: The Spies and Echoes From the Past
In Parshat Shelach, we read the story of the spies who ventured to the land of Israel and brought back a false report to the Israelites. Have you ever noticed that their report is strikingly similar to another story from earlier in the Torah?
26 min

13. Korach: Why Did Korach Rebel?
What was really motivating Korach? Was it idealism, jealousy, thirst for power?
20 min

14. Chukat: Why Do We Need a Red Heifer?
The laws of the red heifer in Parshat Chukat are notoriously difficult to explain. Why does the Torah require its ashes to be mixed with water? How does this water “purify” those who have come into contact with death? Is there anything we can still learn from this ancient ritual? And one more question: Is there a reason why the heifer needs to be red?
29 min

15. The 17th of Tammuz: How Is the 17th of Tammuz Relevant Today?
Shiva Asar B'Tammuz is a fast day that marks the beginning of the Three Weeks, a period of intense mourning that culminates with Tisha B'Av, the day the Temple was destroyed. Twice in our national history foreign armies broke through the walls of the holy city of Jerusalem on this day. Yet, it is much more than the start of an extended mourning period for the Temple.
20 min

16. Pinchas: The Daughters of Zelophehad
In Parshat Pinchas, we read about the daughters of Zelophehad, who seek to inherit their father’s land. God declares that their claim is correct, not only granting their request but also codifying it into law. This story isn’t just heartwarming – it’s also intriguingly similar to the Pesach Sheni story from earlier in the Book of Numbers. But what could land inheritance and the Passover offering have to do with each other?
28 min

17. Matot-Masei: The Art of Negotiation
How do you succeed in a tough negotiation? At the beginning of this week’s parsha, the tribes of Gad and Reuben come to Moses with a really big ask. Just as the nation of Israel is about to enter and inherit the Land – in other words, at a moment that calls for the utmost unity and cooperation – these two tribes have a totally different plan for themselves! And perhaps even more surprisingly, Moses consents to their request.
20 min

18. Tisha B’Av: Reflecting on Tisha B’Av with Rabbi Fohrman
Rabbi Fohrman, Imu Shalev, and Tikva Hecht reflect on ten years of Aleph Beta Tisha B’Av videos. They discuss the lessons they have learned over the years about the meaning and nature of Tisha B’Av, and also review their personal favorite videos, and where to get started if you are new.
36 min

19. Va'etchanan: Why Repeat Stories?
Parshat Va’etchanan tells the story of receiving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. But wait… Haven’t we heard this story before? Why does the book of Devarim repeat this story along with so many others?
21 min

20. Eikev: What Does God Want from Us?
In Parshat Eikev, Moses boils down, into a short, sweet list, what God really wants from us in this world. But, when the prophet Micah comes along and offers a different version, the clarity in God’s expectations gets muddied…or does it? Join Rabbi Fohrman in this episode of Into the Verse as he explores the different “cliff notes” versions of what God asks of us and helps us gain clarity on how we can be the good person God wants us to be.
27 min

21. Re’eh: Why Does Judaism Need the Written Law and Oral Law?
Everyone knows it’s not kosher when you cook meat and milk together, but the Torah in this week’s parsha only says you can’t cook a baby goat in its mother’s milk. This law gets extended to all cooking of milk and meat in the Oral Law.
20 min

22. Shoftim: How To Lead a Life Worth Living
How can we live a meaningful life? In this episode of Into the Verse, Rabbi Fohrman finds an answer in an unlikely section of Parshat Shoftim: the Israelites’ pre-battle protocols, when the officers exempt various soldiers from fighting. Join Rabbi Fohrman as he explores these military exemptions, their fascinating parallels to elsewhere in the Torah, and what they show us about leading a life worth living.
24 min

23. Ki Tetzei: Sending Away the Mother Bird
Parshat Ki Tetzei tells us that if we find a nest with eggs or baby birds in it, we have to send away the mother bird before we’re allowed to take her young. That certainly sounds as if the Torah wants us to treat animals humanely… but how exactly does it help the mother bird?
17 min

24. Rosh Hashanah: Should We Be Afraid of ‘Judgment Day’?
Rosh Hashanah – it’sYom Hadin, the Day of Judgment, right? God is going to judge the whole world and decide its fate for the coming year. And our job is to search our hearts, confront our misdeeds from the past, and doteshuvah, repentance. Sounds like a big responsibility!
32 min

25. Yom Kippur: It's Not All About Forgiveness
Yom Kippur: It’s one of the most significant days of the whole year. We go into this day hoping for some weighty things… forgiveness, a chance to be a better version of ourselves.
16 min

26. Bonus Episode: Fear on the High Holidays
In this special bonus episode Imu and Rabbi Fohrman discuss a challenge, raised by a listener just like you, to a previous episode.
1 hr & 18 min

27. Sukkot: Why Do We Take the Lulav and Etrog?
The holiday of Sukkot brings us one of the stranger Jewish customs: Carrying the “four species” of plants around, waving them in all directions as we pray.
40 min
Into The Verse // Season 2 - Second Parsha Cycle

01. Noach: How Do We Reconcile Science and Torah?
Why doesn’t the Torah ever mention dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures? Does this mean that according to the Torah there were no dinosaurs? Is this a sign that the Bible doesn't match up with history and science?
14 min

02. Lech Lecha: The Seeds of Abraham’s Legacy
This parsha is full of little vignettes about Abraham’s life, and it feels like a bunch of random episodes of “A Day in the Life of Abraham.” Is there some central theme here that can teach us why God chose Abraham to be the father of a great nation?
15 min

03. Vayera: Can Sparing the Wicked Be... Justice?
Parshat Vayera includes one of the Torah’s most memorable conversations: God and Abraham negotiating about whether God will destroy the city of Sodom. But there’sanotherfascinating conversation right before that one.
37 min

04. Chayei Sarah: A Princess for All Time
Parshat Chayei Sarah begins with the death of our matriarch, Sarah. In this week’s episode, Rabbi Fohrman reflects on her impact and finds a clue to the lasting legacy of Sarah’slifeby looking, in all places, at the Torah’s description of herdeath.That clue hinges on a seemingly technical fact found in the parsha’s opening verse: the number of years Sarah happened to live, 127.
22 min

05. Toldot: Who Cares About Isaac's Wells?
This week’s parsha contains the only story in the Torah in which the patriarch Isaac takes center stage. No, it’s not the Akeidah (that was mostly about Abraham), and it’s not the story about the blessing of the firstborn (that story is really about Jacob and Esav).
15 min

06. Vayetze: A Ladder, Angels, and a Godly Mission
Parshat Vayetze opens with Jacob on the run, experiencing a dream with angels on a ladder. Jacob’s ladder, with its angels ascending and descending, is probably one of the most iconic images in all of Genesis. It’s so iconic, we can miss a basic question about it - and that is - why is it actually here? Does the ladder add something to this vision? Why is it here at all?
21 min

07. Vayishlach: Conflict and Reconciliation
Jacob and Esau haven’t seen each other for 20 years, ever since Jacob took their father’s blessings and Esau threatened to kill him. Now they’re headed toward one another – Jacob with his family and his riches, and Esau with 400 of his henchmen. Jacob’s got so many things on his mind at this moment: Keeping his family safe. Placating his brother. Using his wits to get out of the situation without making things worse. That’s the best he can hope to achieve, right? Or… is it? Could Jacob have actually had a shred of hope for reconciliation?
17 min

08. Vayigash: Jacob's Separation Anxiety
Parshat Vayigash opens at a very tense moment. Joseph’s brothers are standing in front of him, not knowing who he is. All they know is that this powerful Egyptian official has threatened to keep Benjamin in Egypt as his slave. So Judah steps forward to plead for returning Benjamin to their father… and Joseph bursts into tears and reveals his identity to them. The long separation from his family is finally over. But have you ever wondered how things got so bad in the first place? Why Jacob favored Joseph and Benjamin so much that his other sons were consumed by jealousy, even selling Joseph into slavery?
31 min

09. Asara B’Tevet: Why Do We fast?
Why is the Fast of Asara B'Tevet significant today? The 17th of Tammuz, 9th of Av, and Tzom Gedaliah all commemorate conquest, destruction, exile, and the downfall of a kingdom. They're horrible, and of course we mourn those days. But on the 10th of Tevet, we’re remembering when the Babylonian armies surrounded the walls of Jerusalem… and then waited… for two and a half years.
16 min

10. Shemot: How One Family Saved a Nation
In Parshat Shemot, we hear about the early life of Moses: How his mother put him into the Nile as a baby, how he was raised in Pharaoh’s house, how he fled from Egypt… and how God sent him back to lead the Israelites out of slavery. But there’s one detail that’s easy to miss in all the drama. God tells Moses at the burning bush: “Your brother Aaron is coming to meet you, and he is rejoicing in his heart.”
40 min

11. Va’era: God As Our Shepherd
In this week's parsha, God introduces Himself to Moses as YHVH, but then He says something surprising: "I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as Kel-Shakai, but My name of YHVH, I didn't make known to them." If we have been reading the Torah up to this point, we will have heard the name YHVH countless times! So what does God mean by saying that the forefathers only knew Him as Kel-Shakai?
16 min

12. Bo: Should We Stay or Should We Go?
Parshat Bo is where the Exodus really happens. God sends the last plagues and tells the Israelites to prepare for liberation, and on the night of the tenth plague, Pharaoh finally gives the order: Leave now. But just when the Israelites are gearing up to get out of Egypt, there are a few details that seem to slow the action down. For one thing, there are God’s instructions: “Get your shoes on, be ready to leave… but don’t walk out of your houses!” And for another, God specifically picks a longer road out of Egypt, because the other one is “nearby.” What should we make of these strange facts?
34 min

13. Beshalach: What Is Belief In God?
Parshat Beshalach tells the story of the end of the Exodus and the crossing of the Red Sea.
28 min

14. Yitro: The View from the Eagles’ Wings
Parshat Yitro includes the Revelation at Mount Sinai, one of the most dramatic moments in the Torah. But this week on Into the Verse, we zoom in on a moment shortly before that, one that’s easy to miss. God gives Moses instructions for the Israelites, so they can get ready for the giving of the Torah. And what’s the first thing God wants them to keep in mind, on the brink of this historic moment? God says, “Tell the children of Israel: You saw what I did to the Egyptians, how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Me.”
16 min

15. Mishpatim: Does Justice Care About Our Intentions?
Parshat Mishpatim tells us what should happen if people get hurt because of someone else's actions – fighting, stealing, keeping dangerous animals around the house. In each case, the Torah explains what should happen to the offender, but what's interesting is that the same injury doesn’t always carry the same penalty. Sometimes it depends on the person's intentions: Were they actually planning to cause the harm or not?
38 min

16. Terumah: God's Home and the Secret of Creation
Parshat Terumah kicks off the "not so exciting" section of the Torah all about the detailed construction of the mishkan (tabernacle). But what if those details contain the secret key to understanding one of the greatest questions facing any 21st-century believer: How do we reconcile the creation story in Genesis with everything we know about modern physics and the Big Bang?
51 min

17. Purim: How to Stand Before the King
There's a saying that Purim has a lot in common with a certain other Jewish holiday. But unlike Purim, that other holiday isn’t exactly known for parties, costumes, and sweet treats. No, it’s Yom Kippur, a day of fasting and atonement. So where’s the similarity?
23 min

18. Ki Tisa: The Golden Calf... How Did We Get Here?
Parshat Ki Tisa has one of the all-time low points in the Torah. The Israelites just received the Torah back in Parshat Yitro. All they need to do now is wait for Moses to finish up a bit of paperwork with God. But when he doesn't come back right away, they go to Aaron and ask him to... make them a golden calf.
33 min

19. Vayakhel-Pekudei: God’s Shabbat and Our Shabbat
Observing the Sabbath involves rules about a long list of actions, from cleaning to writing to making things with our hands, and more!
29 min

20. Vayikra: The How-To Guide for a Relationship with God
We’re starting Sefer Vayikra this week! But if we’re honest, Leviticus isn’t the easiest book to be excited about.
22 min

21. Tzav: What Does God Have Against Chametz?
Passover is a week away, and as we stock up on matzah and kiss goodbye to bagels, you’ve got to wonder: What’s the big deal about leavened bread, anyway? Why don't we eat it on Passover? Easy question, right? Because of the matzah we ate when God took us out of Egypt. But if you think about it, this prohibition is pretty strange.
26 min

22. Passover: How Do Family Dinners Echo Ancient Sacrifices?
In last week’s episode, Imu and Rivky pointed out that the only two places where chametz (leavened bread) is forbidden are our homes on Passover and all year round in the Mishkan (Tabernacle). In this week’s episode, Ari Levisohn, notices that this isn’t the only connection between the Mishkan and the Israelites’ homes on that original Passover. These connections lead to a fascinating exploration of the monumental impact of that original Passover and what we and our families can gain from this Passover.
40 min

23. Tazria-Metzora: Tzara’at, Sinai, and the Transformative Power of Speech
What does Tzara'at have to do with the revalation at Sinai? Why did Miriam get tzara'at? In this week's episode Tikva Hecht untangles a web of intertextual parallels, that all revolve around the transformative power of speech.
51 min

24. Yom Ha'atzmaut: Divine Kindness Isn't So Simple
The developments surrounding the return to the Land of Israel and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 seem to be prophetically predicted in the verses of Psalm 107. That’s why Israel’s Chief Rabbinate selected this salvation-themed chapter to be recited on Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s independence day. But there is one verse that seems completely out of place.
28 min

25. Emor: Is the Omer Still Important?
During the time between Passover and Shavuot, we “count the Omer,” marking the number of days since the Omer offering would have been brought. Why is this Omer offering so important that we have to mention it 49 consecutive nights, and how is it still relevant if we haven’t even had the Temple for 2000 years?
26 min

26. Behar-Bechukotai: Are God’s Curses Just a Scare Tactic
Why does the Book of Leviticus end with scary curses, and why does the Torah link these curses to the mitzvah of Shemittah? Join Adina Blaustein and Ari Levisohn as the journey through this week’s double parsha and its haftorah to find an inspiring understanding of Behar-Bechukotai and the entire Book of Leviticus.
36 min

27. Bamidbar: How a Book Gets Its Title
How does "Numbers" make sense as a title for the Bible's fourth book? How is that name connected to what the book is about? Join Rabbi Fohrman and his daughter, Ariella, as they explore the titles of the Bible's books and stitch together the powerful story they tell.
25 min

28. Shalosh Regalim: Why Does the Torah Call the Holidays “Legs”?
Why does the Torah refer to the three harvest holidays as the “shalosh regalim,” the three legs? Join Ari Levisohn and Adina Blaustein as they explore fascinating intertextual parallels and discover a meaningful message about the holidays hidden in this strange name.
42 min

29. Naso: Birkat Kohanim and a Story of Brothers
The Priestly Blessing, which parents use to bless their children Friday nights and Kohanim recite in synagogues, is familiar to so many people, but few are aware of the story of two brothers hidden in the blessing. What story could that be and how does that help us see the Priestly Blessing in a new light? Join Ari Levisohn, and his brother Tani, for a deeper look at the blessing you thought you knew.
47 min

30. Beha'alotecha: The Moment When Everything Changed
Parshat Beha’alotecha marks the tragic turning point in the Israelites’ journey, but is there any silver lining in the beginning of this generation’s downfall? Join Ami Silver and Rivky Stern as they explore the shifting dynamics of the Israelites’ desert story.
31 min

31. Shelach: Meaningful Judaism Takeover
Parshat Shelach teaches us the mitzvah of Tzitzit. How are we to understand these little fringes? Sounds like a perfect job for the crew at "Meaningful Judaism," our new podcast dedicated to uncovering the meaning in mitzvot, so we invited them to take over "Into the Verse" this week.
38 min

32. Korach's Fatal Mistake
Why did Korach rebel? What if there was something in Korach’s family history that was motivating his revolt? This week Rabbi Fohrman joins Ami Silver to uncover the hidden backstory of Korach and his family, searching for exactly where he went wrong.
26 min

33. Chukat-Balak: Talking Donkeys, Invisible Angels, and the Tree of Knowledge
From a prophet-for-hire, to a talking donkey, to an invisible angel, Parshat Balak sports quite the interesting cast, but all these characters seem to be one hit wonders. It seems like Parshat Balak is almost entirely unrelated to the rest of the Torah and the Torah would be perfectly complete without it. But what if Parshat Balak is really the sequel to a much earlier story in the Torah?
38 min

34. Pinchas: Grappling With Mortality
In Parshat Pinchas, the daughters of Tzelafchad mysteriously gloss over the reason for their father’s death, but the Sages of the Talmud clue us into Tzelafchad’s true identity and surprising backstory.
58 min

35. Matot-Masei: How Manasseh Prevented a Family Feud
When the tribes of Reuben and Gad say they prefer not settle in the Land of Israel, Moses is concerned, but accepts their request and decides that half of the tribe of Menasseh should join them. Why would Moses do that? How would the tribe of Menasseh make things any better?
30 min

36. Devarim: Seeing Life From God's Perspective
In Parshat Devarim, Moses rehashes the sin of the Spies. The Spies did exactly what Moses told them to do. They reported back on every question Moses asked them, so why does God decide to wipe out that whole generation and only their children would enter the land?
32 min

37. Eikev: A Revolutionary Way of Serving God?
In Parshat Eikev, Moses tells the Israelites he’s got breaking news to share about what God wants from us: to fear, love, and serve Him, and to do all the mitzvot. But what’s so new about that? We’ve been hearing that since humanity was first created. What could Moses really be telling the people?
0 min

38. Re’eh: What Do the Laws of Eating Meat Teach Us About Parenthood
In Parshat Re’eh God commands the Israelites to bring their offerings only to the Temple “in the place I will choose.” But wait… we've heard before about a sacrifice location shrouded in mystery? The binding of Isaac shares this and many other parallels with Parshat Re’eh. But what are we supposed to make of these connections?
49 min

39. Shoftim: King David’s commentary on Parshat Shoftim
How do the trials and tribulations of King David’s life shed light on the laws in Parshat Shoftim? What if he actually wrote a commentary on the parsha based on his experiences?
36 min

40. Ki Teitzei: Can We Justify the Commandment To Annihilate Amalek?
This week’s parsha includes the commandment to wipe out the memory of Amalek, the nation who attacked the Israelites shortly after the Exodus from Egypt. It’s the kind of mitzvah that makes our skin crawl in the 21st century.
24 min

41. Ki Tavo: Why Would God Curse Us for Not Being Happy?
Parshat Ki Tavo lists the blessings that will come if we keep God’s commandments and the curses that will follow if we don’t. But it also says that to be blessed, we need to serve God “with joy.”
0 min

42. Nitzavim-Vayelech: Do One Person's Actions Really Matter?
Parshat Nitzavim warns that in the future, there might be someone who goes astray after other gods. God will “separate” that person for punishment, and future generations will see that the land was destroyed for this sin, “like Sodom and Gomorrah.” But wait, that doesn’t make sense! If God punishes guilty individuals, how do we get to the entire land being destroyed?
30 min

43. High Holidays: How To Make Selichot Meaningful?
How can we ask God for forgiveness for the things we’ve done wrong? If we admit our mistakes, aren’t we acknowledging that we’re unworthy of His blessings? But could we be so bold as to demand God’s goodness when we know that we’ve made mistakes?
38 min

44. High Holidays: Just How Guilty Should I Feel?
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, should be a time of introspection, but it often feels like we're so overwhelmed by our own guilt, by the idea of coming to terms with ourselves, that we don't know where to start.
32 min

45. Sukkot: Why Do We Take the Lulav and Etrog? (Rebroadcast)
The Torah commands us to “take” these plants but doesn’t tell us why. The only clue we get is what the Torah says next: “And you shall rejoice before God” on this holiday. But what exactly are we rejoicing about?
38 min
Into The Verse // Season 3 - Third Parsha Cycle

1. Hamas in Parshat Noach: Rabbi Fohrman and Imu Discuss
Parshat Noach describes the extreme violence that led to God's decision to destroy the world with a flood.
35 min

2. Lech Lecha: Responding to Life’s Challenges
When life throws us challenges and doesn’t go the way we hoped, how do we avoid falling into despair? In Parshat Lech Lecha, Abraham and Sarah struggle with infertility, and Abraham cries out to God, “I am childless!” What is the Torah’s message to Abraham on how to persevere through life’s trials and tribulations?
37 min

3. Parshat Vayera: Lot's Fake Kindness
Parshat Vayera tells the story of visiting angels being graciously hosted, not once but twice! Abraham's hospitality is legendary, and Lot's welcoming the angels feels like a de ja vu...until things turn ugly.
29 min

4. Chayei Sarah: A Marriage of Truth and Kindness
The Midrash says that chesed and emet, Kindness and Truth, disagreed about whether God should create humankind. And the puzzling outcome of that argument was: “God took Truth and threw it to the earth.” But what does that actually mean? The answer may be in Parshat Chayei Sarah, where chesed and emet “meet up” for the very first time in a rather surprising place: the story of how Rebecca was chosen to be Isaac’s wife.
38 min

5. Parshat Toldot: What is True Strength?
Parshat Toldot contains the only story in the Torah that is really only about Isaac: the often overlooked story of the wells. What does this brief story really teach us about Isaac’s character? The Sages associate Isaac with the attribute of strength, but how does the story of the wells show us Isaac's might?
42 min

6. Parshat Vayetze: Was Jacob Punished?
Parshat Vayeitzei begins with Jacob on the run from Esau and follows Jacob's trials and tribulations throughout his time in Laban's house. At the end of the parsha, Jacob is back on the run and gets into a heated argument with Laban. What is Jacob's role in this cycle of conflicts?
32 min

7. Vayishlach: Were We Wrong About Esav?
When Esau came to meet Jacob with 400 men, it could only mean one thing: 20 years after Jacob stole Esau's blessings, Esau is finally seeking his revenge. But... what if we are misjudging Esau?
31 min

8. Parshat Vayeshev: What Was Jacob Thinking?
In Parshat Vayeshev, the Torah tells us that Joseph’s brothers were so angry at him that they couldn’t even speak a word to his face. Yet, the very next thing we’re told is that Jacob sends Joseph, unsupervised, to go check on his brothers. What was Jacob thinking? Why wasn’t he worried that the brothers might hurt Joseph?
34 min

9. Parshat Miketz: A Phantom Blessing
In Parshat Miketz, Jacob sends his sons on a mission to get food from Egypt so they can survive a famine plaguing the entire Middle East. On the surface, it seems like a straightforward request, but a closer read reveals a deeper purpose in their mission.
35 min

10. Vayigash: Was Joseph the Golden Calf?
In Parshat Vayigash, Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers, and they realize that the Egyptian official they had bowed down to was none other than their long lost brother. What did Jacob's sons think about their powerful brother now? Why does Joseph have to emphasize God's role in orchestrating the events of their lives?
31 min

12. Shemot: What Was Moses’ Real Mission?
In Parshat Shemot, we read the story of the burning bush, where Moses was charged with a mission. We are often taught that Moses’ job was to take the Israelites out of Egypt, but a close read of the text suggests that there is actually something else Moses also had to do.
22 min

13. Bo: What Did the Egyptians Get Out of the Exodus?
Parshat Bo tells the story of the last three plagues. The 10th plague, the death of the firstborn, ultimately compels Pharaoh and the Egyptians to free the Israelites from slavery, but was that really the purpose of the plagues? Were they just meant to punish the Egyptians? Or were the Egyptians meant to get something else out of these destructive plagues?
43 min

14. Yitro: What Was Really Written on the Tablets?
In Parshat Yitro, we read about the revelation at Sinai and the giving of the 10 Commandments. The image of the 10 Commandments is one of the most familiar images from the Torah, but when you read the Sages’ description of the tablets, not only will you be shocked to hear that we may have been depicting the image wrong all along, but we may also be missing an important part of what the 10 Commandments are all about.
25 min

15. Mishpatim: The Legal Debate That Changed Jewish History
Parshat Mishpatim outlines the laws of indentured servants and maidservants, including servants going free in the seventh year, servants getting married while working, and a father making a deal for his daughter’s hand in marriage. This set of laws seems strikingly similar to an earlier story involving a worker and a father trying marrying off his daughters. Could these laws in Mishpatim actually be the Torah’s own commentary on the negotiations between Jacob and Laban back in Genesis?
39 min