Meaningful Judaism
Meaningful Judaism is a podcast dedicated to exploring why we do what we do in Jewish life, by diving deep into the Torah text. So many of our practices can feel like they’re just there; we go through the motions but they don’t feel especially meaningful. In this podcast, we search for that meaning.
11 episodes

A Book Like No Other
A Book Like No Other is a chance to learn alongside Aleph Beta Founder and Lead Scholar, Rabbi David Fohrman, a master close reader of Torah, as he embarks on his most far-reaching and in-depth explorations. Each season is a stand-alone journey into a different Torah text. Our only goal: reading the Torah carefully, on its own terms, and following wherever that leads. Together, we'll unwrap remarkable patterns and surprising connections that lie just beneath the Torah's surface, revealing the beauty and insight that truly make the Torah a book like no other.
26 episodes

Behind the Scenes Bonus Content - A Book Like No Other
Listen to the Original Chevruta Conversations that Inspired A Book Like No Other.
14 episodes

Into The Verse
Into the Verse is dedicated to bringing you Torah that is timely and relevant to your life. Using the weekly parsha and the Jewish calendar as inspiration, this podcast is filled with rich and uplifting insights based on analysis of the Hebrew text itself. Take a listen and enjoy!
87 episodes

Genesis Unveiled
The stories in Genesis are familiar, but their meanings seem maddeningly elusive. Why would God deny us the knowledge of Good and Evil? Surely it is better to know right from wrong? Why did God destroy mankind – what happened to repentance? Revisit each story in Genesis through a new perspective, and discover their underlying powerful messages.
Part 1 of 76 • 9 min

Abraham's Journey 1
What is the central theme that underlies all of the stories about Abraham's life? The Torah tells us how Abraham hears God’s call, ventures to Canaan, flees from famine, takes a second wife, gets involved in a war of kings, and more. This series explains the story of Abraham like never before.
Part 1 of 10 • 44 min

Phantom Akeidah: Abraham's Sacrifice Of Ishmael?
We all know the famous story of the binding of Isaac: God commands Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac atop a mountain. But did you remember that just a chapter before, God commands Abraham to disown his son Ishmael? You can’t understand the binding of Isaac without grappling with the story of the “phantom” Akeidah.
Part 1 of 8 • 48 min

Jacob: Man Of Truth?
Jacob, our esteemed forefather, is looked to as a role model… our Sages even call him an ish emet, “a man of truth.” But what about that whole impersonating-his-brother-and-lying-to-his-father episode? Would a man of truth do that? It’s not easy to reconcile these things… but that is precisely what Rabbi Forhman manages to do in this provocative audio series.
Part 1 of 15 • 53 min

The Joseph Story
The story of Joseph and his brothers is one of the most well-known in the entire Bible. And yet, the story – for all its familiarity and simplicity – is darker than the one we might remember learning as a child. Indeed, a sober reading of the text reveals that this is no child's story at all. What are we to make of this story of near-fratricide? What enduring meaning does it hold out to us?
Part 1 of 94 • 12 min